Re. Complaining Inadequate Facilities for Kids at School Including Non-Availability of Arts and Music Classrooms, Defective and Outdated Health Unit, and Non-Operative Stereo Systems
I am Kamala Ross from Boston, California. My two daughters and a son have been studying in your school under your supervising administration. My kids have been studying in this school for one year. I am writing this to show my sole concern and complain about the inadequate facilities for kids at school. I understand the factors halting in the way of providing these facilities but I want to complain about the non-availability of services that school keeps in its prospect.
With reference to the subject cited above, I am concerned about the nourishment and provision of mandatory facilitates to my kids. It has been observed that the school lacks space for arts and music classes. There are no proper and well-equipped classrooms for music and art students. moreover, the students who want to learn music as a part-time hobby, are unable to pursue their hobbies because of a lack of related facilities.
Besides, your school has a poor and very outdated Medicare center. Recently I had to pass by the Medicare center of your school that was furnished and formed on the old designs and had no updated equipment. Students’ health should be central to the school authorities whereas the school lacks very basic instruments to examine the students’ health. Moreover, there is no psychological help available at the school which should be at heart for the school’s administration and Planning and Development Authority (PDA) of the school.
The unavailability of a stereo system for the musical practice of the music students is also one of the major non-availabilities at school. The school does not have an appropriate and operational stereo system and thus it impacts the practice sessions of the music students. Moreover, a non-operational stereo system not only impacts music practice but also impacts the documentary shows and other occasional tasks.
I have talked about these issues to the Assistant Coordinator many days before but they paid no heed to the importance of these facilities and no action was taken in this regard. It has compelled me to put this into your appeal and complain about these issues. I hope these matters shall be resolved and the mentioned mandatory facilities are provided to the students as soon as possible. You can contact me for further thoughts on the matter without any hesitation by writing to me at [EMAIL]. Thank you in anticipation.
Kamala Ross
D-12 Regent Housing, Boston

Re. Parent Concern on Inadequacy of Basic Facilities in the School
Dear Coordinator,
I am James Hall from the County of Staatsburg, San Diego, CA. This letter has been written in the sole concern for my kids who are at your school since 20XX. My kids are studying in grades III, V, and VII. Being a parent, the concerns for my kids’ studies and other life matters always keeps me anxious in this bashing world and rapid growth. Parents have been fallen into a different kind of pitfall concerning their kids with the fear of staying far back in the race of life and success.
To make sure the well-being of my kids and correctly fulfilling the responsibilities of a good father, I keep a check on the things related to my kids’ health, schooling, personal and social training, and their mental wellbeing. One of the biggest inadequacies in the school facilities is the absence of psychological help and assessment. As we are living in the noisy and stressful era of fast technology marked with insensitivity and absence of human empathy, schools should keep facilities and assess students’ mental health.
Further, I have noticed my kids complaining about the absence of very basic facilities that include clean drinking water, inadequate equipment at science labs, a dire need for a common choir room where students can practice music in general if not studying the course of musicology.
All the mentioned details entail the basic facilities that schools should provide their students at every cost. To make the learning environment friendly and proficient these facilities can no more be called facilities rather they should be named necessities. I have always believed in the administration and quality of your school. Hence, I expect you to stabilize the same quality and maintain efficiency. Thank you for reviewing my letter.
James Hall
569-F, County of Staatsburg, San Diego